Blue Frog Imports Shop
Sunday 12 AM - 6 PM
Monday- Sat. 11 AM- 6 PM
Mask is Preferred

Proudly located in Woodstock, Georgia
The owners

Dave Smith
Dave is behind the scenes, but he does a lot of work so that Deidra has beautiful pieces to build from. They really try to use pieces that are going to the dump so Dave does a ton of dumpster diving. That's really important to both of them to try their best to be green.
Deidra Smith
Dave and Deidra Smith are the owners and operators of BlueFrog Imports. Dave was the importer of Mexican and Peruvian hand crafted furniture, pottery, folk art, yard art and architectural funk. Deidra was the pop/folk artist. They each sold their wares at a co-op in East Atlanta, where they met and later fell in love.
In 2000 they made the executive decision to merge Deidra's art and Dave's imported finds together to create BlueFrog Imports. It has since wafted into a funky bohemian shop that carries mostly Deidra's art and the Mexican and Peruvian crafted items, but also has a wide variety clothes, jewelry, insence, candles, soaps, concrete, fountains, yard art, wind chimes, planters, talavera pottery, glassware and so much more.
Deidra said, "my favorite job is for the customer that comes into BlueFrog and loves my art but wants me to make something personal for them. I just love creating something for that person that somehow ties us together".
Deidra has a 1971 VW Van in the store that is her studio. When she is at the store that's usually where she will be. If she's not cranking out art from her VW studio, she is at home working in the Bohemian Hacienda studio. She works anywhere from 12 to 16 hours a day depending on what commissions she has going on. She has done a lot of work on homes in the Country Club of the South. The works range from furniture, walls, ceilings and basements. Several years ago she and Dave were hired to create all of the art in the Peace Love & Pizza restaurants. She also did a lot of work on Cans Tacqueria in Milton/Crabapple. There is a 5 foot tall rooster that she mosaicked at Chukkar Farms Polo Fields and a 2 seater bench. Behind BlueFrog there is an event green and on that event green there is a 12 ft by 5 ft mosaicked guitar that weighs 600 pounds that Deidra did in 2016. She also did a few pieces in Truck and Tap in downtown Woodstock, and at the new location in Alpharetta. Deidra's motto is to say YES to everything and then figure out how to do it and do it well. She is a hard working, free spirited chick that loves life.
BlueFrog as a whole have sold their imported pieces to many Mexican restaurants around Atlanta. They also rent out their product to movie sets.
The media team
Sam (Dj. Pink)

Nate (Http.hitme)